Matthew Goodwin
Matthew Goodwin is an eighteen year old college freshman at the University of Louisiana in Monroe, LA. Matthew was diagnosed with hypertension and renal artery stenosis in 2007 at the age of four. He was diagnosed with midaortic syndrome in 2014. Matthew’s hypertension went undiagnosed until a routine surgery to remove his adenoids, tonsils, and place tubes in his ears. He became extremely ill following the surgery and required admission to the pediatric intensive care unit. After transferring to Children’s Hospital in New Orleans, LA Matthew’s condition was diagnosed. Through the years Matthew has had renal angioplasty, auto kidney transplantation, and bladder re-implantation surgery. Matthew has spent his entire childhood learning how to manage pediatric hypertension. This has been achieved through proper balance of medication, diet, fluid intake, measurement of his blood pressure, exercise, and ongoing consultation with his medical team. He has been able to lead by example to educate others from the patient perspective. At thirteen years old his patient perspective was included in the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Clinical Practice Guidelines for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. Matthew is earning an undergraduate degree in psychology. He plans to apply to medical school with a goal to become a pediatrician. Matthew has been a frequent presenter to the healthcare community, alongside his mother, to educate on the issue of pediatric hypertension.